Skill System – FiveM
September 27, 2024Vision-Fishing
September 27, 2024Discover this simple and effective FiveM script that will help you create helpful markers on the map. This script will not only make your gameplay easier, but it will also look appealing.
The script allows you to define coordinates and check the position of your game character. Based on this position, you can mark various destinations on the map, which will help you better navigate the game.
local coords = vec3(2281.5424804688, 4813.0190429688, 55.574935913086 - 1.0) while true do local playercoords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) local dist = #(coords - playercoords) local metry = math.ceil(dist * 1) exports['shinyx- HelpWaypoints']:DrawDestination(coords, "Example", metry) Wait(0) end
With just a few lines of code, you can dynamically adjust the markers on your map. The script helps improve the gaming experience by helping you navigate quickly and effectively. So if you want more clarity and structure in the game, this script is for you!
To download the script and get more information, visit the download page.