Cops HATED My Armored Car In Gta 5 Rp
March 5, 2023DD Osama Performing On GTA RP The Hills LA
March 20, 2023The RTX developers have created a new carry script based on a request system. For example, you need to select the carrying type. The script has three carry types and you can select them either through a menu or by simply using the /carry 1-3 command. A nearby player will receive a request and will be asked whether to accept or reject it. It will also show who sent you the carry request. The script is fully optimized, configurable and standalone. The script is protected by an escrow system, but almost everything can be configured in the config.lua and language.lua files. You can also change the format to HTML.
OneSync Ready
Good optimization (0.01ms)
Easy to install
Three ways to wear
Safely protected from hackers